Courtney has been volunteering for five years after a gentle nudge from her mum suggesting she should get out into the community.
Now a dedicated volunteer at our head office in West Perth, she radiates positivity and enthusiasm that leaves a lasting impression on everyone she encounters.
Exploring new opportunities
In 2018, Courtney took her first step into the world of volunteering when Jobseeker introduced her to the role of a Corporate Administration Volunteer.
She decided to give it a shot and has since been an integral part of the organisation, helping with various tasks such as scanning, filing, and organising files.
Courtney fondly recalls her first few weeks at MercyCare, where she was initially a bit nervous but quickly felt welcomed and appreciated and described the experience as “it was like joining one big family.”
When asked what she enjoys most about volunteering, Courtney emphasised the warm and friendly atmosphere of the office environment at MercyCare.
“I enjoy chatting with people here in the office, getting lunch and coffee with them.” These simple pleasures have become core memories for Courtney.
Finding fulfilment and personal growth
Courtney has found fulfilment in volunteering and learned valuable skills and life lessons; she aspires to expand her involvement in this field and hopes to secure a traineeship.
Her journey at MercyCare has instilled in her a strong sense of purpose and the belief that volunteering can be a pathway to personal growth and career development.
Courtney’s advice is clear for those contemplating volunteering, especially those spending long hours at home: “Give it a go!”
She urges others in similar situations to explore the community, learn new skills, make friends, and, most importantly, get out of the house to fill their days with purpose and connection.
Courtney’s story is a great example of how volunteering can transform lives for those receiving support and those who give their time and heart to the community.
Make a positive change
Vivi Explores the Harmony Between Music and Dementia
“I vowed when I was a teenager, that I have this talent, I will give it back until I can’t play anymore.”
Sharing the many gifts of music
Playing the flute and saxophone to MercyCare residents, volunteer Stephen offers entertainment, relaxation, pleasure and happy memories.
Pauline’s Smile and Compassion
A Beacon of Positivity at MercyCare’s Ballajura Early Learning Centre