Looking for a disability service provider to help you meet your goals and lead a fulfilling, independent life? At MercyCare, you are a name, not a number. Our boutique disability support services look at you and your needs. Reach out to our dedicated and friendly team to find out how you can get started with our services.
If not, give us a call on (08) 9340 7281 or email us at disabilityreferral@mercycare.com.au and we can help you understand what you need to do. You can also visit the NDIS website for more information.
Give us a call on (08) 9340 7281 . We can chat to you about your NDIS plan to find out how we can best support you based on your unique interest and needs. We can complete our referral form with you at this time, you can complete our online form or download and email the completed form in your own time. If you have a Support Coordinator, they can complete the form with or for you. Click here to access the online form.
Following our intake meeting, we will call you to arrange a visit to your home or a mutual place of your choosing. It is important to meet the team who will support you and discuss your priorities. We can talk to you about the goals you want to achieve in your plan and understand what services you’re looking for. We can also discuss the type and amount of support you need and tailor our services to your needs and wants, to find a suitable match with your new support team.
Once we’ve gone through what your support needs are and understand how we can assist you, our scheduling team will contact you to arrange your regular supports so that you can start receiving our services.
Contact us on (08) 9340 7281 or disabilityreferral@mercycare.com.au